
Receiving Assistant Job Description

Created On: July 16th, 2024 at 01:35 PM

Receiving Assistant Job Description

Receiving Assistant Job Description

Table of Contents

  1. Glossary
  2. Introduction
  3. Personal Attributes
  4. Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS)
  5. Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters
  6. Minimum Educational Qualification & Experience
  7. Key Responsibilities
    • Prepare for Receiving Consignments (LSC/N2112)
    • Receive Inbound Consignments (LSC/N2113)
    • Complete End of Day Activities (LSC/N2114)
    • Maintain Health, Safety, and Security Measures in Receiving Consignments (LSC/N2124)
  8. Skills and Knowledge
    • Technical Skills
    • Soft Skills
  9. Safety and Compliance
  10. Assessment Criteria
  11. Review and Updates


  • Inventory List: A detailed list of items in stock.
  • Cargo: Goods carried on a vehicle, ship, or aircraft.
  • Labeling: Attaching labels to items for identification.
  • Repackaging: Changing the packaging of items.
  • Housekeeping: Maintenance of a clean and orderly environment.
  • Pick List: A document that specifies the items to be picked from inventory.
  • Safety Regulations: Rules designed to ensure safety in the workplace.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards.
  • NOS (National Occupational Standards): Standards that outline the knowledge, skills, and understanding required for a specific job role.
  • QP (Qualification Pack): A set of NOSs aligned to job roles that define the standard of performance required.
  • NSQF (National Skills Qualifications Framework): A competency-based framework that organizes qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills, and aptitude.
  • NCO (National Classification of Occupations): A system for classifying all occupational activities into a defined structure.
  • ISCO (International Standard Classification of Occupations): An international classification system for occupations.
  • ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification): A system for classifying economic data.


A Receiving Assistant, also known as a receiving clerk, is responsible for completing the paperwork and receiving inbound consignments, checking them against invoices, identifying missing or defective items, and processing returns with the distributor. They also help with cross-docking, entering information regarding goods received and their storage location in the computer system, and forwarding invoices to accounts payable.

Personal Attributes

  • Teamwork: Ability to work well with others to achieve joint goals.
  • Time Management: Prioritize and execute tasks within scheduled time limits.
  • Focus: Maintain high concentration levels throughout shifts.

Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS)

  • LSC/N2112: Prepare for Receiving Consignments
  • LSC/N2113: Receive Inbound Consignments
  • LSC/N2114: Complete End of Day Activities
  • LSC/N2124: Maintain Health, Safety, and Security Measures in Receiving Consignments
  • DGT/VSQ/N0101: Employability Skills (30 Hours)

Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters

  • Sector: Logistics
  • Sub-Sector: Warehousing (Storage & Packaging)
  • Occupation: Operations (Receiving)
  • Country: India
  • NSQF Level: 3
  • Credits: 12

Minimum Educational Qualification & Experience

  • 9th Class OR
  • 8th Class (with one year of (NTC/ NAC) after 8th) OR
  • 8th Class (and pursuing continuous schooling in regular school with vocational subject) OR
  • 8th Class with 1 Year of relevant experience OR
  • 5th Class with 4 Years of relevant experience OR
  • Ability to read and write with 5 Years of relevant experience

Minimum Level of Education for Training in School

  • Pre-Requisite License or Training: Training in counting and inspecting inbound goods.
  • Minimum Job Entry Age: 18 Years

Certified Courses Links

  • Receiving Assistant Course – Click Here ; For Curriculum – Click Here

Key Responsibilities

Prepare for Receiving Consignments (LSC/N2112)

  • Obtain the work schedule for the day along with the expected times of inbound trucks from the transport manager.
  • Obtain the list of inbound consignments, details of number and type of goods in each consignment, and inspection checklists from the warehouse manager.
  • Find out where each truck would be parked and where each consignment would be unloaded.
  • Understand priorities or special conditions (if any) among the consignments.
  • Collect and wear all the required personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Make sure any stationery required like pens, paper, etc. are available for use during the workday.
  • Collect any receiving equipment to be used like bar code scanners, densimeters, etc., and check to ensure that they are in good working condition.
  • Inspect the receiving area to ensure that it is clean and in safe condition before starting work.
  • Have any issues/problems solved before starting work.

Receive Inbound Consignments (LSC/N2113)

  • Start up the computer system, log in using company credentials, and ensure that the system is working well.
  • Collect the agreement sheet from the truck driver.
  • Request the driver to unseal consignment in their presence.
  • In case of damage, take necessary precautions including quarantining the goods, obtaining the driver's signature, taking notes/snapshots, etc.
  • Visually inspect the consignment, sign the agreement sheet, and give it to the documentation assistant to prepare the arrival report.
  • In case of discrepancy in consignments against the agreement sheet, report to the supervisor.
  • Prepare unloading slip and ensure the document packs are matching with the physical receipt.
  • Have the consignment unloaded and moved into the receiving area by the unloader.
  • Ensure proper acknowledgments are endorsed by the driver as well as the receiving clerk.
  • Based on the labels, identify the final destination, what goods are contained, and the quantity contained in the package.
  • Keep aside packages which are headed for a different final destination i.e., not being stored in the warehouse.
  • Have the loader move the packages and keep them along with other packages headed for the same destination.
  • If barcodes are used, scan the goods and also the package so that the information gets updated in the system.
  • For goods being stored (warehouse as its final destination), open the packages, use the testing equipment to check conformity with desired specifications, and count all the inbound goods.
  • Segregate and keep aside damaged goods, put the other goods back into the packages, and note down the shortage.
  • If barcodes are used, scan the barcodes so that each good received (in good or bad condition) gets recorded in the system.
  • Note down the results of the inspection for each consignment, with specific details about the condition of packaging, damaged goods, and the value of the incoming consignment as per guidelines provided. Report on non-conformance and tick off steps completed with the inspection checklist. Ensure that all steps have been done.
  • Move the packages with goods to be stored in the warehouse into the staging area to be put away by the binner.
  • Discuss damages or shortages with the distributor.
  • Arrange to have the compensatory goods sent at the earliest and negotiate the terms.
  • Escalate any issues in negotiation to the warehouse manager.
  • Fill out damage claim forms, missing goods forms as required, and give them to the documentation assistant for subsequent processing.

Complete End of Day Activities (LSC/N2114)

  • Input the details noted down into the system.
  • If barcodes are used, check to see that the information in the system matches the information noted down.
  • Ensure that actions taken/agreed upon for damaged or missing items are also entered in the system.
  • Provide information in the system for the documentation assistant to prepare invoices.
  • Inform the warehouse manager about any delays in inbound consignments or missed deliveries.
  • Report any issues faced in negotiation with distributors regarding replacement for damaged or missing goods.
  • Prepare reports on the quality of inbound goods, number of damaged or missing goods, etc.
  • Save all data, safely log off, and switch off the computer.
  • Return any PPE and testing equipment used to their respective storage racks.
  • Have any spillages or breakages in the unloading and receiving areas cleaned up by the loader.
  • Check to ensure that the computer is off, the work area is clean, and ready for the next workday.

Maintain Health, Safety, and Security Measures in Receiving Consignments (LSC/N2124)

  • Comply with safety regulations and procedures in case of fire hazards, biohazards, etc.
  • Understand the use of all protective personal equipment (PPE) required for work.
  • Wear all safety equipment including protective gear, helmets, etc. when checking inbound consignments.
  • Follow organization procedures with respect to documentation.
  • Recognize and report unsafe conditions and practices.
  • Adhere to security regulations of the company.

Skills and Knowledge

Technical Skills

  • Handling of cleaning equipment and chemicals.
  • Familiarity with different surfaces and appropriate cleaning agents.
  • Ability to use inventory management systems.

Soft Skills

  • Effective communication with team and supervisors.
  • Ability to read and understand manuals, reports, and safety instructions.
  • Basic writing skills for logs and reports.

Safety and Compliance

  • Knowledge of safety regulations and procedures.
  • Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Compliance with company standards and protocols.

Assessment Criteria

  • Theory and Practical:
    • Preparation and planning for receiving tasks.
    • Execution of receiving activities without causing disturbance or damage.
    • Proper documentation and reporting of completed tasks and any issues.

Review and Updates

For further details or to apply, please contact: contact@hyphenscs.com


*As per government guidelines, this data may vary as it is a sample.